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Friday, November 04, 2005 @12:53 AM

Harry 2000 years ago…

Just recently, I managed to catch the movie Armageddon on HBO. Probably one of the most emotional sci-fi movie I’ve ever watched. The part I like most is when Harry (Bruce Willis) tricked A.J (Ben Affleck) and took his place to blow the asteroid up to save the world. In that process, also loses his own life.

In that whole scene, it wasn’t just a straight forward “push the button” and “boom!” the world is saved thing. Harry had to put up a struggle with the pressure from the environment as he set the bomb while time was racing against him. All that just to get himself killed?

While watching, emotions raged within me. I thought to myself such people are rare.
Rare as it is, while I gave it much thought, I realized that it has happened before. Over 2000 years ago. A man did lay down his life to save all of humanity.

However, it’s a sad fact that when people are reminded of that incident, their emotions don’t rage within them like it would when they watch Harry sacrifice himself to save the world from the asteroid.

I found myself guilty of this as well.

Harry is just a movie character… Jesus actually went through real struggles to sacrifice his own life so that the world would be saved of sin. And he could have chosen not to.

* Let no one disregard you because you are young *


Benedict Kevin Long


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