Wednesday, July 27, 2005 @9:30 PM
Was it planned? Yep... Not by me but by God... (Part1)
"Hey Ben how's army?"
That is the most common question I get ever since I booked in last friday.
Honestly, I wasn't looking forward to stepping outta my comfort zone. Enjoying the freedom to choose where i want to go everyday. Unfortunately, it's a chapter in my life I cannot escape.
Well 5 days have passed. Looking back, it wasn't really all that bad. Least I would count myself a lot more fortunate than many others in army. & I believe God had it all planned before I was even brought into this world.
To put it simply, I was born with flat-foot. And it never did cause me any trouble till i was in Primary 4. At that point of time i was very sporty, I loved running and would often come in top few in my class. I remember the disappointment i felt when I couldn't join my friends in the races we would usually have during P.E.
Unfortunate? Yea that's what i thought when i was young. I would ask God "Why do you do this to me?" However, now i finally realised the reason: 'PES C2L2 excuse RMJ' Well PES C2L2 in simple army terms means lesser strenuous training and excuse RMJ means excused from Running / Marching / Jumping. Now when i see people running like crazy & marching long distance, I'd think to myself "Wah Heng arh". We still do some Physical training like Marching & all... But to a limit. So i'm keeping fit, yet not overly stressed.
Blessing in disguise? Definitely!
God works in mysterious ways.
* Let no one disregard you because you are young *
Friday, July 22, 2005 @1:23 AM
Thank you for your time
On my last day b4 going into army...
TM and Elvin thank you for treating me to lunch! and Rachel, for joining us for lunch~
TM and Elvin again... thanks for following me to buy necessities for my camp~
Hil, Jo, Lynette, Rachel, Elvin and TM... Thank you all for spending time with me in the evening, making time easier to pass! =) Not forgetting also what you guys bought for me... U know.. Size 'M' haha
All of you have your own busy lives to lead~ Tho.. you've made a mess outta my hair.. I really appreciate the time you've set aside just to accompany me~! =)
Btw thanks TM, least i don't look too monsterous to see the world after you touched-up.. As for the rest of you.. don't even dream of being a Hair Sytlist!!! =P
ok la.. maybe hil might be able to make it... the rest.. YOU HEARD ME!
Yup anyway cya to all reading this... don't miss me too much~!
God Bless!
* Let no one disregard you because you are young *
Thursday, July 21, 2005 @8:29 PM
Final Hours of freedom... But i still have time...
My first blog!
Not exactly the most exciting one...
The feeling i get when everyone's talking to me these few days, is one that makes me feel like i'm gonna leave this world or something...
Final hours... Not to death~! But it's just army!
I mean yea I probably never felt my hours ever meant so much to me before... fact is.. it's my final few hours of freedom... and then it'll be taken from me...
Well i'd like to think freedom is given to me by God... it never belonged to me anyway.. and i'm sure now that freedom is no longer mine, God will fill that emptiness with something else.. like maybe.. it's a time i'll grow closer to him... he's the only friend i can bring with me though the army... to share my ups and downs... infact he's the only person always present thoughout our lives...
There's 1 thing I'll keep in mind... time is given by God... there's never a possiblity to have no time for him... No doubt freedom is taken from me... I still have time... and that's what i hope i can do... to find time for him.
I pray that everyone, somewhere... somehow... would also find time for him. And not allow laziness and the temptations of this world keep us from it.
* Let no one disregard you because you are young *